Winegard Advanced Manufacturing & Technology Division is committed to delivering the highest quality, longest-lasting products. This drives the focus of our Quality Management System. Our philosophy is to design quality into the product and the processes with the objective of integrating quality into all stages of the product lifecycle. This includes Product Development, Production, and Continuous Improvement.
Quality Management System
Product Development
Advanced Product Planning:
Product Design Specifications​
Design for Mfg & Asm
Internal Design Reviews
Supplier Print Acceptance
Design FMEA
New Product Introduction:
System & Process FMEA
Design Verification Testing
First Article Approval
Capability Studies
Pilot Run Approval
Supplier Quality & Development:
Part / Material Evaluation
Supplier Assessment
Supplier Monitoring
Incoming Inspection
First Time Quality:
Functional Testing
Live Testing
Throughput Yield (TPY)
Dock Audits
First Piece / Last Piece
Ongoing Quality:
Daily Production Meeting
Standard Work Instructions for Each Model
Process Control Plans for Each Part and Model
Product Change Order Process
Continuous Improvement
Customer Support Center:
Technical Service
Warranty Support
Continuous Improvement:
Internal Feedback
Customer Feedback
Corrective Action System

How We Ensure Quality
As products are developed, there are gated processes that are adhered to which drive designs to be robust and reliable, yet also designed for manufacturability. Throughout the development process, the designs undergo rigorous performance, reliability, environmental, regulatory, and packaging testing. The activities outlined above are all documented in various internal systems to track results, issues, and resolutions.
Transitioning product designs into manufacturing phase brings them into the comprehensive quality system that ensures product quality. There are many activities ingrained in the Winegard system that are the foundation of product quality: product specific work instructions, incoming product inspection, lean principles in manufacturing cell design, daily process and product audits, functional product testing, and live product testing. All of these activities are continuously monitored to ensure quality levels meet expectations.
Continuous Improvement at Winegard is a mindset that is part of the overall business objective. There are resources, processes, and tools in place to drive continuous improvement. There is a commitment to improve our products, processes, systems, and methods in order to provide customers with the best products and services. We utilize various Six Sigma tools to drive improvements in product and process quality.